Domain Name Search

Here is our quick and easy domain checker.


Our Domain Checker

We have designed it so that you can quickly and easily look up domain availability. No fuss, no captchas. Search as many domains as you like.

Ideal Domain Length

Try to keep your domain’s length under 10 letters, ideally under 8. Too long and your visitors won’t be able to remember it. Think Twitter, Google and all the others. They have short but easy to remember domain names. In my experience it is also advisable from an SEO point of view to keep it short. Too long domain names have to paddle more to prove they are not spam. We have a detailed post about how to choose domain names.

Domain Extension Considerations

If you can, go for the .com domains. They always look professional. If you are looking for a domain for your organization, you can go for a .org but only if it’s really an organization. Google has weakened the power of .org in cases where it’s a profit based website. You can always go for a .net especially if the content of your website has to do something with the internet or technology.

For how long should You Register?

That depends entirely on your plans. Usually the longer you register for the better price you get. If you are just beginning and not sure if you will have the website after a year, you should just register for one year.